Billets for the Modern Mindreader vol.2 by Julien LOSA (Instant Download)



Welcome to volume 2 of my Billets for the Modern Mindreader course !

You will learn three switches and three routines for close-up, parlour and stage situations ! (as well as casual settings, as you will see !)

Billet Chi (Nestor Dee) : Probably the holy grail of predictions with billets.
Telepathy Plus (Theodore Annemann) : A classic revisited. A 3 phase mindreading routine !
S.E.E. (Julien Losa) : a practical and quick routine to get your hands used to the switches in this download !

Practical mentalism, that packs small and hits really hard !

“Your techniques are good and practical, well done !” Allen Zingg

“Julien’s work with billets is sensational ! Superbe techniques, elegant handling, and extremely fooling ! Probably the best work at the moment !” Marc Paul

“It was a joy to see ALL of the moves in Julien’s (extremely capable) hands.” Drew Backenstoss (on “Billets for the Modern Mindreader vol.1)